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Later bedtime linked to obesity risk in children

The Karolina Institute in Sweden has found that the later a child’s bedtime is, the more likely they are to become obese. Tracking 107 children from the age of one to six, researchers examined their weight, height and waist size. Sleeping patterns were also monitored for several days once each year. For those who went to bed later than 9pm each night, it was determined that their body mass index (BMI) was higher by the time the…
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Child Mental Health Week and the launch of books from Reading Well to support children’s mental health

This week is Child Mental Health Week in the UK, set up by children’s mental health charity Place2Be, the week shines a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health. With 3 children in every classroom in the UK now presenting with a diagnosable mental health problem, this year’s theme is Find your Brave.  To coincide with the week, reading charity The Reading Agency supported by Libraries Connected has launched a booklist to support children’s mental…
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Study uncovers young people facing rejection from mental health services

Research compiled by the Education Policy Institute (EPI) reveals that over 130,000 young people in the UK were rejected from NHS services in 2019. These include individuals who suffered abuse or self-harmed. 26% of children and adolescents who had referrals did not receive help because their conditions did not qualify for treatment access. The National Health Service refutes these claims, with a spokesperson calling the report a ‘flawed analysis’. Despite pushback the EPI stands by its analysis,…
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Risky play found to be beneficial for young children

Children who are allowed to participate in ‘risky’ play are said to have improved levels of confidence. University of Newcastle professor Linda Newman, Dr. Nicole Leggett and preschool director Kate Higginbottom collaborated on the experimental project in New South Wales, Australia. Their aim was to generate an environment considered ‘risky’ for the average preschool child and see how they reacted to being around elements such as authentic tools and a fire pit. “These days there’s a tendency…
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Rates of anorexia on the rise among children in the UK and Ireland

A recent study published in the journal BMJ Open finds there has been an increase in the number of children aged 8-12 diagnosed with anorexia. The report found that roughly 3.2 children per 100,000 were thought to have an eating disorder across the UK and Ireland, compared to just 1.5 to 2.1 distinguishable cases in 2006. Findings were based on research with child and adolescent psychologists, who were asked to recount the number of anorexia…
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JK Rowling urges young people not to volunteer at orphanages overseas

Harry Potter author JK Rowling has spoken out at the One Young World conference, arguing that children living in orphanages in poor countries may be being treated with great cruelty and by volunteering in such orphanages, young people may be unintentionally supporting this practice. Rowling also expressed concern that many orphans in developing countries are separated from their parents because of extreme hardship rather than death. She encourages young people not to turn their backs completely on…
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Rise in number of state school pupils at Cambridge

The current proportion of state school pupils attending Cambridge University is nearly 68%, the highest number since the 1980s. Dr. Sam Lucy, Director of Admissions, says applicants have not been deterred by the perception that Cambridge is a socially exclusive institution. The University also states that a quarter of the current student body comes from ‘disadvantaged backgrounds.’ This year, the University reserved 100 places for students classified as ‘deprived’, with the aim of raising the…
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Department for Education to fund national mental health training scheme

The Department for Education has allocated £9.3 million towards helping students receive support for mental health issues. Directed by the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families and in partnership with the Link Programme, instruction courses are to take place throughout England with the goal of reaching all 22,000 schools across the country. Working to bridge the gap between NHS specialists and school staff, the scheme aims to erase stigma surrounding mental health concerns…
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UK’s children’s charity concerned about young people’s use of the Internet

Children’s charity Barnardo’s has recently published research exploring the dangers and benefits of social media usage amongst young people. Entitled ‘Left to their Own Devices’, Barnardo’s official report finds children are being exposed to bullying or inappropriate online content at what appears to be alarming rates. The research interviewed child practitioners, 79% of whom say they have worked with victims of cyberbullying, and 78% reporting that they have assisted in helping children who have been…
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Research shows participation in sport enhances children’s wellbeing

Children who take part in organised athletic activities between ages 6 and 10 are more likely to have enhanced emotional health by age 12. A study published by the Université de Montréal finds that children who play a sport at an early age are more equipped with the ability to be cooperative and collaborative, skills that are necessary in both school and adulthood. Linda Pagani, a researcher who worked on the study, says these attributes …
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