Barbie Clarke’s article on the use of Tablets in schools has been published in The Children’s Media Yearbook 2004, published July 2014. See article here.
Our research for Tablets for Schools interviewed over 3,500 young people aged 11-17. Using their feedback, FK&Y researchers Beth Hitchenor and Siv Svanaes have compiled a charter, for young people by young people, with sound recommendations on prudent use of the internet. The report and charter can be downloaded here. The Tablets for Schools research has been widely covered in the media including The Guardian, The Times and The Mail. Tablets for Schools’s Mary Palmer…
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FK&Y is delighted to announce it has been appointed to the new government roster for market research – Research-live announcement. FK&Y was successful in the 3 lots it applied for: research with children and young people; hidden populations; secondary research.
FK&Y appointed by Youth United

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FK&Y has been appointed by Youth United as the evaluators to the Youth Social Action – Journey Fund. The contract runs from April for 12 months. Research results are to be reported to the Cabinet Office. FK&Y is delighted to be part of this exciting project. Youth United
Our research, carried out for Tablets for Schools in March, shows that Head Teachers appreciate that learning to code will equip pupils for the jobs of the future. “We are living in a world where we are educating children for jobs that might not yet exist, so they need the skills of being able to critically analyse processes.”. Coding and computer programming is to become a mandatory part of the curriculum in England in September,…
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Internet Safety

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This month FK&Y has carried out focus groups and over 3,500 interviews with 11-17 year olds about use of the Internet and Safety on behalf of Tablets for Schools. Results will be published on Safer Internet Day, 11 February.
Happy New Year

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Family Kids and Youth wishes all its clients, colleagues and suppliers a very happy and successful new year
Tablets for Schools Conference

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FK&Y presented its latest Tablet research findings at the Tablets for Schools Conference today. Other keynote speakers included the Rt.Hon David Blunkett; Minister of State for Skills and Enterprise, Matthew Hancock; Professor Colleen McLaughlin and Professor David Buckingham.
MRS Silver Medal

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FK&Y is delighted to be shortlisted tonight for the prestigious MRS Silver Medal, awarded to the best paper to appear in the IJMR the previous year. Agnes Nairn and Barbie Clarke’s paper ‘Researching children: are we getting it right? A discussion of ethics’ has already won the MRS award for Best Collaborative Paper.
Too young for Technology: FK&Y’s Barbie Clarke appeared on ITV’s Tonight programme to discuss the use of technology by very young children. Barbie argued that since young children grow up surrounded by technology parents should be encouraged to impose boundaries to limit its use.