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Recent analysis of data from the National Pupil Database made by FFT Datalab has found that pupils attending all-girls schools in England consistently achieve better exam results compared to their counterparts in mixed schools, or those in all-boys schools. Despite adjustments made for personal background and previous grades, girls’ schools demonstrated an unexplained boost equivalent to 10% higher GCSE grades in 2023. Conversely, boys in all-boys schools showed no significant exam result advantage over those in mixed schools. The advantage for those in all-girls schools has been attributed to the culture of achievement and support found in an all-girls environment. While girls seem to excel by learning from their successful peers and adopting effective learning habits, boys appear to have less encouragement in their single-sex settings. The research highlights that many same-sex schools are located in wealthier areas of the country, with fewer students from disadvantaged backgrounds, as well as having a reduced intake of children with additional educational needs when compared to mixed state schools. These factors are believed to explain the disparity between mixed state and boys-only schools, but only 90% of the difference in girls-only schools. The remaining 10% is not identified by the research, but is believed to be due to the support and communication that can be achieved in a girls-only school. More can be seen here.

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